• Semiconductor Stock Price Rally: What Next?

    Updated: 2010-08-31 21:35:38
    Recently, Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) raised its third-quarter guidance. The company anticipates revenues to be about $9 billion, versus its previous forecast of $8.5 billion. Gross margins are expected to be about 53%, with more upside than downside likely to the projection.

  • Top Ten Semiconductor Equipment Suppliers

    Updated: 2010-08-25 00:17:51
    Thanks to VLSI Research for this one: the top ten suppliers of semicondsucotr manufacturing equipment in Q1 2010.  

  • Wafer and Substrate Bumping with Solder Paste (I)

    Updated: 2010-08-23 14:08:15
    Semiconductor Power Semiconductor Assembly Visit Our Website Products Services About Contact Us Main INDIUM CORPORATION Blog From One Engineer to Another Wafer and Substrate Bumping with Solder Paste I Monday , August 23, 2010 by Andy Mackie Andy Mackie This week's topic is both wafer bumping and substrate bumping with solder paste , and the issue of powder size . I've recently been dealing with some issues from customers who are concerned with the question of how small a solder powder particle do I need , to achieve a certain bump height or bump diameter There are some rules of thumb on this in the electronics assembly industry , and I'll go into them later . nbsp In my next posting , I'll show why they may not be relevant or appropriate for the standard waferbumping . process To begin :

  • Semiconductor Supply and Demand in 2010/2011 (Silicon Valley Blog - Daniel Nenni)

    Updated: 2010-08-23 09:14:00
    The semiconductor analysts are at it again, revising numbers, polishing their guesstimates, and patting each other on the back for being equally as inaccurate. I blame these crystal ball hacks for the semiconductor shortages and price hikes we are experiencing today. These people get paid to guide investors, and the industry as a whole, to prevent chaos and catastrophe and they have failed us all. Last year semiconductor related manufacturing facilities went dark, people lost jobs, capacity expansion plans were put on hold. It will take years to recover the stability required for a healthy semiconductor growth cycle.

  • Geo Semiconductor

    Updated: 2010-08-05 21:24:01
    Geo Semiconductor was officially formed in May 2009 as a fabless chip company through the acquisition of major IC business lines and key pieces of the IP portfolio of Silicon Optix, including the Realta and the Geo ICs, patents, inventory, software, development systems, customers and brands.

  • Ikanos Appoints DSL Pioneer as CTO

    Updated: 2010-08-05 21:23:56
    Ikanos Communications (NASDAQ: IKAN), a leading provider of advanced broadband semiconductor and software products for the digital home, brought in DSL technologist and pioneer

  • IMEC to House Kaneka's European Photovoltaics Lab

    Updated: 2010-08-05 21:23:52
    IMEC, Europe's leading nanoelectronics research center, and Kaneka Corporation, the leading Japanese manufacturer of chemical specialties and solar cells, entered into a bilateral cooperation.

  • UMC Eying Solar and LED Markets

    Updated: 2010-08-05 21:23:47
    UMC is establishing a new business development center and its 100% owned subsidiary, UMC New Business Investment Corporation.

  • Quantenna Adds to Funding

    Updated: 2010-08-05 21:23:37
    Quantenna Communications has added to its Series C funding round with a new strategic investor Swisscom, Switzerland's leading telecommunications provider.

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